A Mix of Humanity, Digital Art and Poetry by joans-zone

A Mix of Humanity

Humans are complicated. We
embody a multitude of variations and
are a mixture of races, attitudes,
education and experience—none are
exactly alike. Our makeup

consists of various ingredients,
recipes, if you will. While DNA
plays a part, leavening, or life, may
cause us to rise and fall,
along with the warmth or lack

thereof, which is support, family and friends.
Add to this the fiery furnace that heats us,
quickens us, the god or spirit (or
whatever you perceive your
higher power to be) element, and we

thrive. Humans are enlightened by the
glow of love–the sun, which warms us and
gives us hope in darker times.
Lastly, there is time, which
remodels us, completes our

metamorphosis, bakes us into finished
products, each crafted somewhat
distinctly. Each of us vaguely
related, slightly resembling one
another, yet we are unique. We

contain different spices, the results of
many influences and situations, not all of
them positive. Universally, we are
cousins. May we embrace our
similarities and learn to be
tolerant of what we do not
agree on. May we, ultimately,



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EMBRACING YOUR INNER CHEERLEADER: http://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Your-Inner-Cheerleader-ebook/dp/B0086WW7AA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&


STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/95140

WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: http://www.amazon.com/Water-Running-Downhill-Words-Empowerment/dp/0692571965/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1447021563&sr=1-1&keywords=water+running+downhill%2C+words+of+empowerment%2C+rose+edition

A Redhead Looks at 60: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/189-7867874-1973650?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=a+redhead+looks+at+60

©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property, and Joan maintains the legal rights to them.

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