Upon Deaf Ears, Digital Art and Poetry, by joanszone

Upon Deaf Ears

Looking back, I see that I
failed to really listen to what was
spoken by both of my parents.
When my father said, I can’t
eat this, he meant, I won’t
eat this, and this led to his
failure to thrive, and to his
decline, his death.
And the day my slowly dying mother
whispered to me, not much
longer, and I thought she was asking, how much
longer, as she had asked numerous times,
then she was gone hours later. her
passing spurred on by the hospice drugs.
If I had really listened, understood, I might have
had my father a bit longer,
been with my mother,
as she left this world. I would
like to think so.
So, listen, really
put your ear into it,
understand what is
being said, and what is
underlying it all. For, I
believe, we may hear the
unspoken truth.


Joan Ellen Gage

OTHER WEBSITEhttps://joanellengage.com/





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©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property, and Joan maintains the legal rights to them.

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