Unconditionally Loved, a tribute for my Mom, on her birthday; Digital Art and Poetry, by joans-zone

My Beautiful Mom, April 26, 1924 to February 9, 2022

Unconditionally Loved

Who has their mother
until they are almost 70 years or
beyond? Almost no one. My mom, who
has become my child, who is
still trying to mother me. She
struggles to maintain

control of small things, having
lost the ability to do more. Her
body is compromised, her sight
dwindling, but the fire within can
still be sensed. Now, mainly
confined to bed, unable to walk, her

thoughts dwell on domestic
duties now gone forever, or on
family. Moments of her life
flicker through her mind, a
series of still shots, ghosts of her
fleeting former existence. Mom’s

amazingly bright mind opens
doors into memories. She flits from
one to another, projecting her stories,
verifying that she exists, to
whoever will listen. She is my hero,
friend, and cheerleader. A momma

bear defending her brood. We share
DNA, history, thought patterns. We are
twins of a sort, connected, mind
melded. I cannot fathom life
devoid of her presence. How do we
do this as humans and survive? It’s
like losing a limb. What will I do

without my confidant, the one
person in the world who believes
in me and loves me unconditionally?
I know that I will speak to her after
she is gone from this world. She is,
will forever be, the greatest
love of my life.



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STRANGER IN A STRANGE SKIN: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/95140

WATER RUNNING DOWNHILL, ROSE EDITION: http://www.amazon.com/Water-Running-Downhill-Words-Empowerment/dp/0692571965/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1447021563&sr=1-1&keywords=water+running+downhill%2C+words+of+empowerment%2C+rose+edition

A Redhead Looks at 60: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/189-7867874-1973650?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=a+redhead+looks+at+60

©All creative works by Joan Ellen Gage are her exclusive property, and Joan maintains the legal rights to them.

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